We had a great three weeks in Cameroon. Lots of photos and videos taken. Lots of culture. In short, we still have a lot to process. But you are still glad that you live here in the Netherlands with all the facilities that are there.
Abdoulaye was a very nice guide and he traveled with us for three weeks. So also on the train. We had no sleeping cabins on the way there and only 1 sleeping cabin on the way back. The roads were good and some very bad. At Rhumsiki, for example, the road was bad and the road between Kumbo and Bamenda. We left Kumbo earlier and had a hotel in Bamenda. In Kribi we did a number of activities because we found only a little too little on the beach. So we visited a turtle museum near the village of Ebodje. For Abdoulaye also the first time. Was very nice. We were not long at Waza park. We got stuck with the car and when it came out it started to rain. Saw monkeys and giraffes. I could go on and on about this wonderful journey…