"Our first experience with Untamed Travelling can be described in one word as fantastic"

Baudouin and traveling companions

Klantervaring Boudewijn en reisgenoten,Senegal,zee met paardenkar

Boudewijn en zijn reisgezelschap maakte een onvergetelijke rondreis door Senegal waarbij ze Dakar, Lompoul, de Sine Saloum Delta bezochten en hun avontuur eindigden aan het strand van Saly.

Good afternoon all,

Our first experience with Untamed Travelling can be described in one word as fantastic.

Senegal has won our hearts. We have seen another very beautiful part of our globe. Lovely people, really into the culture, lots of conversations with real people. Eating at people's homes and outside resorts among locals. Truly immersed in Senegal, its culture and people.

What you are probably more interested in is my/our experience with this airline that is new to us. That is nothing short of outstanding. EVERYTHING you promised has come true and even better and more than that. No part was disappointing, however, was fantastic, or was even extra ! All the bookings were correct. All the arrangements were there. Totally no problems from start to finish. For which our compliments. We enjoyed a lot.

Again, thank you for a wonderful experience,

Baudouin and traveling companions


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