"In one word: Great!"

Ralph Wesseling

Belize, a natural paradise

In the month of August Ralph Wesseling traveled for ten days along many sights of Belize and Tikal (Guatemala). An intensive program that included jungle tours along nature and culture, a canoe trip and a snorkeling tour.

Thanks for putting together my Belize and Guatemala trip! Without you knowing me - we only had contact by phone - you have put together a trip that was just right for me. No problems, no trouble, just everything great. The sleeping places, the excursions; everything was right.

In particular, I would describe Pooks Hill as a beautiful place. Really in the middle of the jungle. Lots of wildlife, amazing. For that reason, the ecolodge in Ni'tun was a bit disappointing: no wildlife. Probably because a hotel was being built next to it at that time. From both locations the managers were very friendly and fun. And then Ramon's village: also very good. Was able to relax there from the busy schedule I had.

But what a world of difference from mainland Belize! I am very happy that you took the trouble to plan such a beautiful trip for me in such a short period of time.

I only wanted to be away from home for a maximum of 10 days. So that makes it harder for you. But Untamed did a great job. Many of my friends and even my wife did not call this a holiday for me: too heavy and no moments of rest. But for me it's just ideal. See as much as possible in a short time.

Tikal was the highlight for me by the way, how impressive! If you haven't been there yet, it's highly recommended. So much different from the other Mayan cities I've been to. This was the low season in Belize, but what a nice weather. Only had one shower on arrival, the rest only sun and 30 degrees.

In one word: TOP! And thanks again.


Ralph Wesselingh