Japanese love children, and families love to go out with their offspring. Many destinations are attractive to young and old. In addition, there are all kinds of fascinating activities especially for children. In any case, it is exciting to participate in this, and to do something together with Japanese children and young travellers from all kinds of countries. Probably your children casually even learn a few Japanese words!
Tough kids can lose their energy during a karate or Samurai swordfighting workshop. For creative inspiration, young travellers can visit a Manga drawing or origami workshop. Is it going to be possible to fold a crane?
A trip by Shinkansen is always an experience, but those who really like trains can enjoy the Hara Model Train Museum in Yokohama. Theme parks focused on Japanese culture are plentiy, but you can also opt for Tokyo Disney or Universal Studios Japan. There, your children can share their fascination with Harry Potter with Japanese peers, and board a secret drive past Hogwarts' School.
For young chefs-in-the-cap there are plenty of opportunities to learn Japanese culinary arts. At the end of the lesson, the participants will of course bring their own products: sushi, a real Bento lunchbox, or delicious cup noodles. And surely a tea ceremony is much more fun with homemade traditional sweets and treats?
If you as a parent hear 'Kawaii...' in passing, you know that someone is endearing by your child. Children are very welcome in Japan.