Biodivers Sarawak and Sabah
Borneo is an amazingly large tropical island, rich in rainforest, sugar-white sandy beaches and several national parks. The island is shared by Brunei, the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak and Indonesian Kalimantan. Malaysian Borneo is a walhalla for nature lovers, both underwater and above. Climb Mount Kinabalu, look for wildlife on the beautiful Kinabatangan River, walk the headhuntertstrail through the Gunung Mulu rainforest and spend the night in one of the many traditional longhouses with the hospitable Iban, who are happy to share their own customs and rituals with you. Around Sabah you will find the most paradisiacal islands; Atoll Sipadan is, according to many, one of the most beautiful diving spots in the world. Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park is also well worth a visit for swimming, snorkeling and diving enthusiasts. Then venture into cozy towns like Kuching and Kota Kinabalu, with many night markets, street food and local stores.
Flora and fauna of Sabah and Sarawak
Breathtaking corals and spectacular rainforests; the diversity of flora in Malaysian Borneo is exceptional. In addition to countless tree species, Borneo has thousands of orchids and other fascinating plants such as the Rafflesia, one of the greatest wonders of the plant world. Among all this beauty lives a rich variety of animal species. Take a jungle trek in search of the nose monkey, pygmy elephant, rhinoceros, cloud leopard, Bornean cat and the country's pride: the orangutan. Stop along the way and turn your gaze upward for rare birds such as hornbills and kingfishers and picturesque butterflies.