A jewel by the ocean
Salvador or Salvador da Bahia, is an Afro-Brazilian jewel, in northeastern Brazil on the Atlantic Ocean. The charming city is particularly situated, on a high rock face on the All Saints' Bay and used to be the most important port city in the country. It has a beautiful colonial center. The historic upper town (once the capital of the Portuguese colony) consists of 17th and 18th century Portuguese buildings. The Cidade Alta is formed by the colorful Pelourhino district. Steep streets connect it to the Cidade Baixa to the old port. The ancient city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Salvador breathes music, festivals take place almost daily with impressive drum bands. And the carnival of Salvador with a length of 25 km is even the largest street carnival in the world! A culinary speciality of Salvador is the acarajé. This is a "ball" made from deseed beans (feijão fradinho) that is baked in hot palm oil (dendê). They are eaten pure or filled with shrimp, for example. Known from Salvador is further the capoeira. This is an originally African martial arts imported by the slaves, because it was forbidden for the slaves to practice a martial sport he was disguised as a dance.