Ancient Desert City
Surrounded by orange-red rocks, the city was carved out of the sandstone rocks by the Nabateans about 2000 years ago. The desert city is actually a valley full of rock temples, rock dwellings, sacrificial sites, tombs and an amphitheatre. Petra Before its decline, it was a hub for many trade caravans for centuries, after which the city fell into oblivion for centuries, until in 1812 a Swiss explorer accidentally rediscovered the ruins.
The siq is the spectacular entrance to the ancient city, a long, narrow gorge with a canal that supplied the city with water. Walking between the high, inscription-decorated gorge, finally looms Al Khazneh , the world famous treasury. The unique funerary monument was carved from the rock before the beginning of the era.
Opposite the amphitheater are the carved tombs, where the kings of the Nabateans were buried. A nice walk of approx. takes you to another, almost deserted highlight, Al Dayr. This monastery, because of its height even more impressive than the treasury, originally served as a temple and was given its new function during the Byzantine era.
A little further on is a smaller version of Petra: Little Petra . Also at this village, accessible via the short Siq al Berid gorge, various temples, dwellings, tombs and canals have been carved out of the rock.