During a round trip you can only see a fraction of the spectacularly beautiful nature reserve Wrangell-St. Elias Park & Reserve, but it is enough to see the essence of the landscape. Vast mountain ranges go summer and winter covered under snow and ice, huge glaciers creep invisibly slowly to carved valleys, where moraies pass into tundra and moss. Melting ice feeds chains of lakes and icy swirling streams, which flow into the park's great rivers. In Copper Valley you can see the abandoned copper mining towns of McCarthy and Kennicott. People no longer live here, but there is a great diversity of wildlife in the valley. From the air you will see moose and Dall sheep on the wide plains.
Day trips and trekkings also start with a flight to one of the many airstrips. It can be the starting point for an adventurous glacier crossing, a multi-day trek, a river trip by raft, or a leisurely hike in a rolling landscape. At the beginning of summer, when the tundra blooms, there is a haze of orange, lilac and yellow over the green.